Two scientist parents follow evidence-based practices | Julia Wylie
“as parents we’re anxious but we just have to give our kids the opportunity to do it…and then they do it.”
Professor mom Julia and her surgeon husband Jim found support in evidence-based practices after a rough first few months with their daughter. Julia battled post-partum anxiety issues and a lot of confusion about how to facilitate baby sleep for a newborn. With the arrival of their son, Julia and Jim put into place their “Master Plan” to avoid some of the pitfalls they encountered as first-time parents.
Meet Julia:
Julia Wylie is a nutrition professor and her husband Jim is an orthopedic surgeon. Daughter Skylar and son Landon are three years and nine months apart. They live in Park City, UT with their two dogs and spend as much time skiing and hiking as they can!
You can reach Julia at
Resources & gear mentioned in the episode:
Science of Mom by Alice Callahan
Eat, Play, Sleep
Pampers Nighttimes - size up 1 size!
Wipe Warmer